After a family dinner at Big Better Burgers, I was convinced that the restaurant should change there name to Big Bitin Burgers (after all it's important to stay true to the BBB logo).
I ordered the Bacon BBQ burger and it was decent. The patty wasn't special, I actually don't have much to say about it besides the fact that it was sizable but not filling, full or "siksik." The BBQ sauce wasn't spectacular, I've actually had better BBQ sauce with my kid's McNuggests. The bacon of the burger was made up of three tiny strips and, while that sounds like a bad thing, it really is a good thing since the bacon came in strips with an "s", not just one strip or in shredded bacon bits. It actually had strips of bacon on it! The bread was pandesal-ish-- and not in the Good Burger way which is really delicious. If the bread at Big Bitin Burgers were a musical note, it would be a flat, if it were a word that rhymed with duck, it would be suck. It was just too airy and not solid enough. The one burger that tasted good was the Three Cheese Explosion which had three cheeses (duh?) and was the most expensive burger on the menu. The flavor of the cheeses mixed well in your mouth like a well-orchestrated melody which cradled the meat flavor of the burger instead of overpowering it.
The fries and wedges came in small amounts but only a few burger joint actually offer a hefty amount of sidings: Food Camp, Army Navy, Wham. To it's credit, the service and cleanliness of the branch we ate at, the Katip branch was good-- not great; good. And that's always a good thing. Maybe I'll give the place a second shot, but right now, there are just too many other great burger joints to try that'll keep me out of a BBB branch for a while.